An Incomplete List of Eminent Psychologists of the Modern Era identified 200 eminent psychologists of the modern era. Researchers analyzed the psychologists’ citation impact, textbook citations and major scientific awards. Craig Anderson is listed in Table 3 among this elite list of Psychology researchers.
As part of the new “eminent” status, Anderson was asked to write brief accounts of his major contributions for a forthcoming book on Scientists Making a Difference: The Greatest Living Behavioral and Brain Scientists Talk about Their Most Important Contributions.
Anderson is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology, an academic unit in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He is also the director of ISU’s Center for the Study of Violence.
With publications spanning a wide range of areas, including judgment and decision making; depression, loneliness, and shyness; personality theory and measurement; attribution theory; and human aggression. He is best known for his General Aggression Model, and his work on media violence. He is one of the most widely cited scholars in social psychology.
Anderson has been awarded Fellow status by the Association for Psychological Science, the Society of Experimental Social Psychologists, and the American Psychological Association, among others.