Lucia Cherep and Garret Hisler are the 2018 recipients of the Campbell/Borgen Graduate Foreign Travel Award. The Campbell/Borgen Award is designed to facilitate the early professional international experiences of Iowa State University psychology graduate students by providing them with financial assistance up to $2,500. Lucia Cherep used the award to travel to a navigation conference in Quebec. Garrett Hisler used the award to travel to a summer school on personality psychology in Croatia. On November 7, 2018, both students gave a presentations summarizing their travels.
The award was established in recognition of Dr. Campbell’s gratitude for the excellent graduate education he received from the faculty in Iowa State University’s Department of Psychology. Through this fund, Dr Campbell also recognizes the contributions of Dr. Fred Borgen, a faculty member for 32 years in Iowa State University’s Department of Psychology and former student of Dr. Campbell.