he Psychology Department was very lucky to have Dr. Chris Fraley visit Iowa State University on September 14th as the Graduate Students in Social Psychology visiting speaker for Fall 2018. The day began with a Data Blitz where graduate student volunteers presented a piece of research or an idea to showcase the kinds of research going on in the Social area. The atmosphere was casual and fun, with coffee and bagel treats to help engage our minds early on a Friday morning. Dr. Fraley then presented a colloquium to the department on his attachment research. The talk was titled “What makes people secure or insecure in their attachment relationships?” and stimulated discussion among those who study relationships and development using different approaches. Following the colloquium, a number of Graduate Students joined Dr. Fraley for lunch and then he met with a number of lab groups, faculty members, and students. These opportunities to hear from outside speakers and share our research with other researchers are invaluable to graduate students, and we look forward to the next colloquium presenter.