Facilities that Enhance Learning
The excellent facilities in the Department of Psychology include the space and equipment needed for advanced psychological research and training. There are 25 specialized rooms for human experimental research. In addition, individual observation rooms with direct and electronic observation facilities are available for counseling, consultation, and testing practica.The department has fully equipped laboratories for conducting studies using eye tracking, virtual reality, EEG, and group observation.
The Psychology Department occupies two connected, recently renovated wings in Lagomarcino Hall and part of an adjacent building. Lagomarcino Hall, as well as many buildings on campus, offers full accessibility for individuals with physical disabilities. Graduate students are provided with ample office and research space.
The university offers outstanding general facilities, including a two-million-volume library, a state-of-the-art computer center, and a world-renowned Department of Statistics. The Psychology Department’s computer facilities include a network of 25 PC and 4 Apple computers, with extensive supporting software and peripheral components. All computers are connected to the university’s computing systems and to the library, providing easy document processing, data analysis, and literature retrieval. All university and departmental resources are readily available and accessible to both graduate students and faculty.