Parent Consent Forms

A requirement of enrollment in Psychology 101, 230, 280, or Communication Studies 101 is completion of research credit.  This research credit can be obtained in one of two ways.  Students may participate in research studies that are conducted by faculty in the psychology department or complete a series of quizzes or short papers related to published research articles.  Students under 18 years old who wish to participate in research studies must first obtain parental consent by completing a parental consent form. All studies that allow minors to participate are listed below. Each study has its own parental consent form that may be obtained by clicking on the study’s name.

For lab studies, the student must bring the signed form to the laboratory at the time of the study.  For on-line studies the student must either deliver the signed form to Sarah Kallsen, SONA Secretary, in W112 Lagomarcino Hall prior to participating in the study or email a scanned copy to

If you have additional questions you may contact the administrator of the psychology department participant pool (, or the investigator listed for the specific study. The psychology department thanks you for your assistance in obtaining the necessary documentation to participate in research as a minor.


Studies that Allow Minors to Participate:

Study Name IRB# Experiment # PI Name / email
Short-cut to Better Test Scores 17-248 171 Shana Carpenter (