The Psychology department utilizes a wide variety of computational equipment and software packages. The department has several software packages that are site licensed for use on only department computers. Below is a list of the generally installed software packages that are being used and is certainly not exhaustive. Personal computers are generally not allowed to install Institutional or site licensed software. Several packages have student versions which are deployed in our public labs and are not meant for research. If you would like full versions installed on an office research computer a full license must be purchased.
Supported and standard installed software in the Psychology Department:
Windows (PC)
- 7-Zip
- Adobe Creative Cloud 2014
- Adobe Flash
- Adobe PDF Reader
- Audacity
- Cisco Anyconnect
- DirectRT v2014
- E-Prime v2.0 Professional
- Filezilla
- HLM 7
- Lisrel 9
- Lync/Skype for Business
- Matlab 2015
- MediaLab v2014
- Microsoft Office 2013
- Putty
- SAS 9.4
- SPSS 23
- Windows 7, 8.1, 10
OSX (Apple)
- Adobe Creative Cloud 2014
- Adobe Flash
- Adobe PDF Reader
- Cisco Anyconnect
- Filezilla
- iLife
- iWork
- Lync/Skype for Business
- Matlab 2015
- Microsoft Office 2011
- Mplus
- OSX 10
- SPSS 23
Web Software
- Drupal
- Typo3
- WordPress
Not Installed
The software functionality these programs provide should be used through their respective webpages.
- Box Sync
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- One Drive