Psychology Department Resources
Space and Equipment
The psychology department has the space and equipment needed for advanced psychological research and training. There are 25 specialized rooms for human experimental research. In addition, individual rooms with direct and electronic observation cababilities are available for counseling, consultation, and testing practica. The department has fully equipped laboratories for conducting studies using eye tracking, virtual reality, EEG, and group observation. Faculty’s offices and research labs are located in Lagomarcino Hall, Science Hall, and Office and Labs. Psychology faculty and students also have access to a very large subject pool.
Statistical Consultation
Dr. Daniel Russell (department of human development and family studies) provides statistical consultation to psychology faculty and graduate students upon appointment. Additional statistical consultation is available through the department of statistics.
Computer Facilities
The psychology department’s computer facilities include a network of 25 PC and 4 Apple computers, with extensive supporting software and peripheral components. All computers are connected to the university’s computing systems and to the library, providing easy document processing, data analysis, and literature retrieval. The psychology computer lab, located in W205 Lagomarcino Hall, is funded by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The lab serves the computational needs of the student body in general, but particularly students affiliated with the psychology department through course work and research. The psychology computer lab can be reserved for classes using the university calendaring system or by calling the main psychology office (294-2295). Users must have a university username and password to use the computers. Specific information about psychology’s computing resources, including open hours, can be found here.
General Facilities
The psychology department has access to outstanding general facilities, including a two-million-volume library, a state-of-the-art computer center, and a world-renowned department of statistics. All university and departmental resources are readily available and accessible to both graduate students and faculty. General information about Iowa State University computing resources, including available software, can be found here.