Author: Jennifer Gentile


Psi Chi Induction Ceremony

The ISU Chapter of Psi Chi International Honor Society will host its spring induction ceremony on Sunday, April 14th at 1:00 pm in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union. The following students will be inducted:  Chandler Hohbach, Jennifer Villa, Tykie Poggemann, Casey Holmes, Ashley Truman, Sammi Springer, Matthew Andersland, Ryszard Koziel, Madison Hunter, Caitlyn … Continue reading Psi Chi Induction Ceremony

April 14, 2019, 1:00pm | Campanile Room - MU
CATEGORIES: Department News

Congratulations! Early Career Research Grants Awarded to Drs. Laure Brimbal and Kayla Burd

Post-Doctoral Fellows in Psychology receive the Early Career Research Grant from the American Psychology-Law Society.   Congratulations to Dr. Laure Brimbal, post-doctoral fellow with Chris Meissner and Dawn Sweet, for receiving an Early Career Research Grant from AP-LS ($4,975) for her proposal titled “Validating a Conceptual Framework for Resistance in Investigative Interviewing“. Congratulations to Dr. … Continue reading Congratulations! Early Career Research Grants Awarded to Drs. Laure Brimbal and Kayla Burd

CATEGORIES: Department News

Congratulations! Lucia Cherep and Garrett Hisler receive the Campbell Borgen Award

Lucia Cherep and Garret Hisler are the 2018 recipients of the Campbell/Borgen Graduate Foreign Travel Award. The Campbell/Borgen Award is designed to facilitate the early professional international experiences of Iowa State University psychology graduate students by providing them with financial assistance up to $2,500. Lucia Cherep used the award to travel to a navigation conference … Continue reading Congratulations! Lucia Cherep and Garrett Hisler receive the Campbell Borgen Award

Psychology Alumnus, Peter Prunkl, returns for Alumni Association Gold Medal Ceremony

Peter Prunkl, who received an MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology in 1968, returned to campus for his 50th reunion. He is shown receiving the 50 year medallion with the president of the Alumni Association, Jeff Johnson, and his wife, Peggy Johnson. Pete currently lives in Salisbury, NC, and is a free-lance writer. Thanks for your continued … Continue reading Psychology Alumnus, Peter Prunkl, returns for Alumni Association Gold Medal Ceremony