Author: Jennifer Gentile

CATEGORIES: Department News

Sabrina Ash showcases innovative idea at the Iowa State Fair

Sabrina Ash, a recent graduate of ISU’s psychology department, competed with other Liberal Arts and Science students at the Iowa State University’s Standing Innovation pitch competition at the Iowa State Fair. Twelve LAS students delivered a pitch, 90 seconds to five minutes long, to fairgoers about an innovative and entrepreneurial idea. Students competed for an … Continue reading Sabrina Ash showcases innovative idea at the Iowa State Fair


Psychology-Law Collquium Series hosts Dr. Stephen Charman

Title: Improving lineup identification outcomes by screening out witnesses. The Psychology and Law Colloquia Series is pleased to host Dr. Stephen Charman. Dr. Charman is an associate professor in psychology at Florida International University. Dr. Charman’s research interests include eyewitness cognitive processes, eyewitness lineup procedures, age-progression, facial composites, and alibis. Dr. Charman’s research has been … Continue reading Psychology-Law Collquium Series hosts Dr. Stephen Charman

September 20, 2019, 4:00pm | Lago E164

Psychology-Law Collquium Series hosts Dr. Jessica Salerno

Title: The Impact of Experienced and Expressed Emotions in Legal Settings The Psychology and Law Colloquia Series is pleased to host Dr. Salerno. Dr. Salerno is an associate professor in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Arizona State University and member of the Law and Behavioral Science program. Dr. Salerno’s research applies social … Continue reading Psychology-Law Collquium Series hosts Dr. Jessica Salerno

September 6, 2019, 4:00pm | Lago E164
CATEGORIES: Department News

Kristin Towers receives LAS award for advising

Kristin Towers, Academic Advisor III for the Department of Psychology, received the LAS Award for Early Achievement in Academic Advising. Congratulations, Kristin and thank you for your dedication to students! You can see all the LAS award winners at this link.

CATEGORIES: Department News

Brandon Turner receives Thomas Hannum Award

Brandon Turner, junior in psychology, received the 2019 Thomas Hannum Award during the Undergraduate Awards and Psi Chi Induction Ceremony on Sunday, April 14, 2019. Psychology Professor Max Guyll, director of undergraduate studies, presented Brandon with this award. Congratulations Brandon! To learn more about the Thomas Hannum award, please use this link.

CATEGORIES: Department News

Lauren Hudachek receives Alvhh Lauer Award

Lauren Hudachek, senior in psychology, received the 2019 Alvhh Lauer Award during the Undergraduate Awards and Psi Chi Induction Ceremony on Sunday, April 14, 2019. Psychology Professor Max Guyll, director of undergraduate studies, presented Lauren with this award. Congratulations Lauren! To learn more about the Alvhh Lauer award, please use this link.