Category: Events


Causal Reasoning in Psychological Research

This workshop will  focus on causal inferences based on observational data, use of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs, more casually known as Graphical Causal Models) to represent assumptions and hypotheses, and how to make decisions about statistical controls in research. It will be very applied and minimally philosophical. Dr. Zlatan Krizan present this workshop.

October 14, 2019, 3:10-5:00pm | Science Hall 277

GSSP Hosts Dr. Helen Harton

Title: Academic Misconduct: Prevalence and Predictors of Plagiarism, Cheating, and Questionable Research Practices among Students and Faculty The Graduate Students in Social Psychology (GSSP) are pleased to host Dr. Helen C. Harton. Dr. Harton is a professor of psychology at the University of Northern Iowa where she also serves as the coordinator of graduate studies. … Continue reading GSSP Hosts Dr. Helen Harton

November 1, 2019, 12:10-1:30pm | E164 Lagomarcino Hall 

Psychology-Law Collquium Series hosts Dr. Stephen Charman

Title: Improving lineup identification outcomes by screening out witnesses. The Psychology and Law Colloquia Series is pleased to host Dr. Stephen Charman. Dr. Charman is an associate professor in psychology at Florida International University. Dr. Charman’s research interests include eyewitness cognitive processes, eyewitness lineup procedures, age-progression, facial composites, and alibis. Dr. Charman’s research has been … Continue reading Psychology-Law Collquium Series hosts Dr. Stephen Charman

September 20, 2019, 4:00pm | Lago E164

Psychology-Law Collquium Series hosts Dr. Jessica Salerno

Title: The Impact of Experienced and Expressed Emotions in Legal Settings The Psychology and Law Colloquia Series is pleased to host Dr. Salerno. Dr. Salerno is an associate professor in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Arizona State University and member of the Law and Behavioral Science program. Dr. Salerno’s research applies social … Continue reading Psychology-Law Collquium Series hosts Dr. Jessica Salerno

September 6, 2019, 4:00pm | Lago E164