Author: Jennifer Gentile


Cognitive Psychology Invited Lecture Dr. Karl Szpunar

On September 24, 2018, Dr. Karl K. Szpunar will be at ISU delivering a lecture entitled “The Psychology of Future Thinking: From Personal to Collective Cognition.”  His lecture will be held in Physics 0039 at 12:10 pm. Dr. Szpunar’s research program uses novel behavioral and neuroimaging techniques to identify adaptive uses on memory in future-oriented … Continue reading Cognitive Psychology Invited Lecture Dr. Karl Szpunar

September 24, 2018, 12:10pm-1:00am | Physics 0039

Dr. Chris Fraley visits ISU Psychology Department

he Psychology Department was very lucky to have Dr. Chris Fraley visit Iowa State University on September 14th as the Graduate Students in Social Psychology visiting speaker for Fall 2018. The day began with a Data Blitz where graduate student volunteers presented a piece of research or an idea to showcase the kinds of research … Continue reading Dr. Chris Fraley visits ISU Psychology Department

September 14, 2018, 12:10pm | Lagomarcino Hall W272

Distinguished Visitors Wendy and Mark Stavish to visit ISU on October 12th

Wendy and Dr. Mark Stavish, establishers of the first endowed chair position in the social sciences at ISU, will be on campus October 12th. Dr. Stavish worked in human relations for Mobil Oil, Pepsi Cola, and AOL. He holds an adjunct appointment at George Washington University where he teaches healthcare strategy, informatics, and leadership. Dr. … Continue reading Distinguished Visitors Wendy and Mark Stavish to visit ISU on October 12th

October 12, 2018, 4:10pm | Lagomarcino Hall W142