Category: News and Events

CATEGORIES: Department News

Study by Marsee, Russell, and Hayes reveals bullying extends from adolescence into young adulthood

Monica Marsee, associate professor of psychology; Nicole Hayes, psychology graduate student; and Daniel Russell, professor of human development and family studies, published the study, “Latent Profile Analysis of Traditional and Cyber-Aggression and Victimization: Associations with Dark Triad Traits and Psychopathology Symptoms,” in the Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment in September 2020. Click the link … Continue reading Study by Marsee, Russell, and Hayes reveals bullying extends from adolescence into young adulthood

CATEGORIES: Department News

Carolyn Cutrona named Distinguished Professor

Congratulations to Department of Psychology faculty member Carolyn Cutrona for being recognized last week at the University Awards Ceremony. Dr. Cutrona was honored as a Distinguished Professor. We are truly proud of Dr. Cutrona’s accomplishments!

Kenneth Sufka honored with John V. Atanasoff Discovery Award from College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Dr. Kenneth Sufka will receive the John V. Atanasoff Discovery Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at a ceremony on Friday, October 22, 2021 at the Alumni Center in Ames, Iowa. The award recognizes outstanding alumni who have significantly advanced scientific knowledge through laboratory accomplishments and/or management. Sufka, professor of psychology, pharmacology … Continue reading Kenneth Sufka honored with John V. Atanasoff Discovery Award from College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

CATEGORIES: Research News

Kristi Costabile and Stephanie Madon Receive Research Grant from Heterodox Academy

Kristi Costabile, associate professor in psychology, and Stephanie Madon, professor in psychology, were recently awarded a $30,000 Increasing Open Inquiry on College Campuses Research Grant by Heterodox Academy for their project Harnessing the Power of Narrative to Improve Perspective-taking and Empathy. This highly selective grant program funded five intervention studies for the coming academic year. … Continue reading Kristi Costabile and Stephanie Madon Receive Research Grant from Heterodox Academy

Dr. Craig Anderson receives Robert Todd Duncan Alumni Achievement Award

Craig Anderson, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, received Butler University’s Robert Todd Duncan Alumni Achievement Award. This award is granted to Butler University graduates or former students whose outstanding personal and/or professional accomplishment brings honor and distinction to the University, and individual attainment and/or contributions for the betterment of society. The Robert Todd Duncan Alumni Achievement … Continue reading Dr. Craig Anderson receives Robert Todd Duncan Alumni Achievement Award