
Psychology Student Support


Academic Advisors

ISU Psychology Advising 1460 Lagomarcino Hall 515-294-9780

The first level of advising is your academic advisor. Your academic advisor is there to help you make the most of your experience at Iowa State from the beginning.  Academic advisors help prospective students and their families learn about the psychology program, help new students become oriented to the department and university, and support current students throughout their time in the program if they have questions, concerns, or seek help planning for the future.  Your advisor can support you by connecting you with resources on campus and in the community and by helping you to develop decision-making, problem-solving, and self-advocacy skills.

  • Scheduled in-person, video, or phone appointments available via Navigate Student 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday year-round
Mason Babcock, M.S.
Zack Bonner, PhD(c)
Patrick Johnson
Terry Kruse, M.Ed.
Whitney Baker, M.A.E.
Isabella Perksen
Grace Wolf, M.Ed.


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