Author: Jennifer Gentile


Causal Reasoning in Psychological Research

This workshop will  focus on causal inferences based on observational data, use of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs, more casually known as Graphical Causal Models) to represent assumptions and hypotheses, and how to make decisions about statistical controls in research. It will be very applied and minimally philosophical. Dr. Zlatan Krizan present this workshop.

October 14, 2019, 3:10-5:00pm | Science Hall 277
CATEGORIES: Awards, Department News

Lisa Larson receives LAS Institutional Service Award

On September 9, 2019 the Liberal Arts and Science college celebrated faculty and staff at its annual LAS Convocation. Lisa Larson, professor in the psychology department, received the Institutional Service Award. Lisa has worked for more than a decade to improve recruitment, promotion, and retention of excellent and diverse faculty. Congratulations and thank you for … Continue reading Lisa Larson receives LAS Institutional Service Award

CATEGORIES: Awards, Department News

Kristin Towers receives LAS award for excellence in advising

On September 9, 2019 the Liberal Arts and Science College celebrated outstanding faculty and staff at its annual LAS Convocation. Kristin Towers, academic advisor for the psychology department, was honored with the LAS Award for Early Achievement in Academic Advising. Congratulations, Kristin, and thank you for all your hard work.


GSSP Hosts Dr. Helen Harton

Title: Academic Misconduct: Prevalence and Predictors of Plagiarism, Cheating, and Questionable Research Practices among Students and Faculty The Graduate Students in Social Psychology (GSSP) are pleased to host Dr. Helen C. Harton. Dr. Harton is a professor of psychology at the University of Northern Iowa where she also serves as the coordinator of graduate studies. … Continue reading GSSP Hosts Dr. Helen Harton

November 1, 2019, 12:10-1:30pm | E164 Lagomarcino Hall