Author: Jennifer Gentile

CATEGORIES: Department News

Psychology recognizes majors with GPA in top 2% of class

On Sunday, April 14, 2019 nineteen undergraduate psychology students were named as the top 2% grade point average students in psychology. They included Madison Baxter, Grace Mary Buckley, Lauren Davis, Anna Mattern, Alyssa Kay Romp, Camryn Nicole Russell, Xavier Heron, Amber Nicole Thompson, Emily Ann Owens, Taylor Marie Petersen, Anna Rose Dinsmore, Abigail Suntken, Shannon … Continue reading Psychology recognizes majors with GPA in top 2% of class


Diversity, Leadership, Donald Trump, and the Future of America

Kevin Powell will present this interactive conversation. In a world where violence, fear, division, and hate have become the norm, Kevin offers hope and a new and different way to view ourselves, to view each other.

April 23, 2019, 7:30pm | Campanile Room - MU
CATEGORIES: Department News

Psychology Poster Competition: ENTRY FORMS DUE April 19th:

Calling all psychology students: Please showcase your research at the Annual Psychology Undergraduate Poster Competition.   ENTRY FORMS to participate in the Psychology Undergraduate Poster Competition are due Friday, April 19th. The entry form is easy and quick to complete and all poster submissions are accepted. Presenting your research at the competition is good for … Continue reading Psychology Poster Competition: ENTRY FORMS DUE April 19th:


Women Presidential Candidates

Dianne Bystrom is director emerita of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics at Iowa State University. She directed the center for 22 years before retiring in August 2018. Bystrom will discuss the how the media has covered women running for office differently than men, and what that might mean for the 2020 … Continue reading Women Presidential Candidates

April 24, 2019, 7:00pm | Sun Room - MU

Understanding Second Language Speakers: What REALLY Matters?

Tracey Derwing is a Professor Emeritus of TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta. She has extensively researched second language fluency and pronunciation, especially the relationships among intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accent. She will discuss what research tells us both the second language speaker and … Continue reading Understanding Second Language Speakers: What REALLY Matters?

April 16, 2019, 7:00pm | Sun Room - MU

Creating Inclusive Classrooms Workshop

Faculty and advisors in psychology are invited to a workshop on creating inclusive classrooms. Please register for the workshop by April 22nd.

April 29, 2019, 3:10-4:40pm | W139 Lagomarcino Hall

Workshop: Open Science and Preregistration

Drs. Zlatan Krizan and Marcus Crede will offer a workshop on open science and preregistration practices for psychology faculty and graduate students. It will be held on Monday, April 15 from 3:40-4:30 pm in W282 Lagomarcino Hall.

April 15, 2019, 3:40pm | W282 Lagomarcino Hall