Category: Department News

CATEGORIES: Department News

Carolyn Cutrona named Distinguished Professor

Carolyn Cutrona, professor in the Department of Psychology, was recently named Distinguished Professor, as part of the 2021 Iowa State University awards. Cutrona and other award recipients will be formally recognized at the LAS Fall Convocation on September 7, 2021. The title of Distinguished Professor, first awarded in 1956, is the highest academic honor the … Continue reading Carolyn Cutrona named Distinguished Professor

Dr. Karen Scheel receives APA Division 2 Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

Karen R. Scheel, teaching professor in the Department of Psychology, has been awarded the 2021 American Psychological Association Division 2 (Society for the Teaching of Psychology) Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. Selected from a pool of nominated faculty from across the United States, the award winner must demonstrate a sustained level of excellence across the … Continue reading Dr. Karen Scheel receives APA Division 2 Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award

CATEGORIES: Department News

Andrew Smith named “Rising Star” by the Association for Psychological Sciences

Dr. Andrew Smith, Assistant Professor of Psychology, has been named a Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science.  This is one of the top awards given to early career scholars. The Association for Psychological Science Rising Star designation is presented to outstanding APS members in the earliest stages of their research career post-PhD. This … Continue reading Andrew Smith named “Rising Star” by the Association for Psychological Sciences

CATEGORIES: Department News

Kathryn Bunda receives Brown Fellowship

Psychology graduate student Kathryn Bunda has been awarded a 2021-2022 Brown Graduate Fellowship. She is one of 14 outstanding students from across the university receiving this award. The award recipients receive $10,000.  Congratulations Kathryn!